Don't Dismiss The Swiss

Don’t dismiss the swiss. The swiss chard that is…

It’s underrated and it is one of my favorite dark leafy greens to use for a low carbohydrate, naturally gluten free, raw wrap! Swiss chard is growing in my garden like none other (besides the zucchini and squash).

Chard is incredibly versatile, meaning you can literally roll anything in a Swiss chard leaf and call it a day- portable and delicious. Especially great for those of you looking to watch your carbohydrate intake or if you’re on a specific fat loss program like some of my clients- you don’t sacrifice any flavor while boosting the nutrients and fiber in your diet. Swiss chard, like many dark leafy greens, contain amazing amounts of vitamin K, A, E, antioxidants, fiber, a bit of protein, and bone strengthening minerals like calcium, magnesium, copper, and iron.

This veg doesn’t only have to be used as a wrap… it can be ribboned and used in anything from egg to pasta dishes as more.

Do you have chard and you don’t know what to do with it? Are you interested in buying some, but need some inspiration? Let me know in the comment section!