Morning Quinoa Recipe: Apples & Cinnamon or Blueberries & Bananas

I made this recipe when I was trying to think of a good vegan breakfast that I could make for me and my baby.

This dish needed to work really well as leftovers while also being delicious and nutritious. Behold, a star was born.

My trick is to make a big batch of this quinoa and freeze it or keep refrigerated in individual containers for easy warming during the week. Not only does quinoa have more protein than steel cut oats, but it also cooks much faster, which is why it is one of my favorite grains. This season, I am making my apples and cinnamon version, but feel free to change up the fruit depending on the season.

There is a note on the bottom of the recipe to make my blueberry and banana version Other great additions include chopped nuts, coconut flakes, chopped dates, maple syrup or raw honey, peanut or almond butter, or coconut milk.

Morning Quinoa Recipe


  • 1 cup dry quinoa

  • 2 cups water

  • ½ teaspoon sea salt

  • 1 apple core removed and chopped

To add after it’s cooked:

  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil

  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

  • 2 teaspoons chia seeds

  • 1 handful golden raisins, optional (you can use pitted dates instead- yum. My brother would choose this option)

  • sprinkle of slivered almonds optional


  1. Add 1 cup dry quinoa to a small saucepan with 2 cups water, sea salt, and chopped apple.

  2. Cover and bring to a boil. Once boiling, turn off the heat, and let sit covered for 10-15 minutes until the quinoa is fluffy.

  3. Stir in coconut oil, cinnamon, chia seeds, golden raisins, and almonds, and any other toppings of your choice, and serve hot.

Notes: If making with blueberries and bananas instead of apples, add the bloobs and the naners (blueberries and bananas) in after your quinoa is totally cooked.