19 Thoughts on Turning 38

It’s official. i am in my late thirties.

As if it wasn’t official at 37… now it is officially official. My ever slowing metabolism and my elevens are dead giveaways as far as I am concerned that I am not a spring chicken anymore. I am nearly 20 years away from my high school graduation.

*dry heaves*

I can’t write 38 nuggets of wisdom because I have mom brain and I currently have a baby hanging on my leg as I am typing this… so I divided it in half and wrote 19.

19 Thoughts on Turning 38

  1. I’m not sure if I’m ever going to give up trying to like cottage cheese, but I’m also not sure if I’m ever going to like it in this lifetime. I’ve tried so many times, and I just can’t do it unless it’s mixed into something like eggs. I am okay if I can be tricked into forgetting it’s there. As for just scooping it up with a spoon though… *barfs*. I wish I could do it for the protein, but it is definitely a texture thing for me and makes me sad. However, I’m not done trying to like it even though detesting it may ultimately be my truth. 

  2. I finally learned that dressing for your body type is more important than wearing something that looks cute on the model or is trendy. I’m a big chested, broad shouldered biatch & while I’d love to wear a crewneck with some baggy ‘90 style jeans, it’s never going to look good on me. It’s good to stick with what works on your body. I’ll always be a V-neck, scoop neck, square neck kind of shirt wearing gal, who will occasionally throw a crewneck because I own so many. 

  3. Cursing is fun. I go through phases of life where I really aspire to be a person who doesn’t curse, but it’s not who I am. I don’t curse like a sailor, but there’s nothing like a good F bomb when you really need it. 

  4. Being a parent is the most fulfilling and most challenging human experience- at least it is for me. I don’t understand how I can’t WAIT to get my children to sleep at night only to miss them TERRIBLY five minutes after they’re gone. It makes no sense!

  5. Gut issues become more of a real thing as you enter your late 30s. Don’t lollygag when it comes to taking action about this… advocate for your health. Take measures to get rid of the bullshit bloat.

  6. CBD gummies with THC is a great sleep aid that I love because it doesn’t leave me with any kind of sleepy hangover the next morning.

  7. I’ve never had any cosmetic work done, but now that I’m 38, Botox is definitely not out of the question.

  8. All olives make me wanna die. Don’t try and change my mind.

  9. Unless it’s your close friends and/or family, what other people think of you is none of your business.

  10. Making breakfasts ahead of time with 30g of protein is worth the effort.

  11. After having my health and the health of my loved ones, knowing that I never have to be pregnant again is the best gift of turning 38.

  12. This list has taught me that most of what I think about is either food or children related, so those things matter a lottttttt…

  13. Prioritize your partners happiness along with your own. Constantly check in on each other and be mutual advocates for the person that you love the most.

  14. Treat the people who work for you and with you the way you want to be treated and let them know how much they matter. 

  15. Embrace the sandwich years. This is the time of life when you have both your parents and your kids. It’s a hectic time, but also the greatest. 

  16. I love a theme with all things in life. Themed party? Themed dinner? Themed movie nights for the year of 2024- I’m here for all of it. 

  17. Hindsight truly is 20/20. I’m making an effort not to beat myself up if I make a decision (especially when it comes to my kids), that could have been better if I only knew what the future had in store. We don’t know what we don’t know in the moment, so we must do the best we can. Life is a series of trial and error, of evolving and finding out who we are via the process of elimination. Just learn from every experience and move on without guilt constantly nipping away at your soul.

  18. Putting my car keys back in the spot where they are supposed to go makes everyone in the house less crazy. If I can master this regularly for my husband, he will be thrilled. 

  19. As much as I miss aspects of my teens/ twenties like being that young and irresponsible with the best tits in town, my 30s have been my best decade so far, and I can’t wait to see what the last 2 years of them hold.