Immunity Boosting Turmeric Elixer

Happy New Year! Are my readers as desperate for an immune-boosting detox as I am?

For those of you who don’t feel you need a healthy detox, I am wondering how you survived the holidays; but for the rest of us who ate a little too much of the things we spend eleven-and-a-half months trying to avoid, it is time to make my turmeric elixir. Those who use turmeric swear by it, and I’m beginning to think that it might have magical powers. There has been plenty of buzz around this root for being an anti-inflammatory powerhouse, and it has many other exciting benefits. One of my clients who has arthritis started mixing turmeric into her smoothies every day. She started off as a skeptic, but now she says she feels noticeably healthier. Everyone I know who uses turmeric has a similar experience.

I am a firm believer that the food we ingest can dictate the way we feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. If we eat nutritious, plant-based, delicious foods on a regular basis our bodies will feel alive, energized, awake, light, and beautiful. As I mentioned before, consuming unhealthy foods on a regular basis makes our bodies feel lousy, lethargic, gross, heavy and bloated… think of that feeling on New Years Day when you are cataloging everything you ate and drank over the week prior.

Keep your immune system boosted during these cold months by staying healthy this winter season and taking five minutes out of your day to make yourself this turmeric elixir to fight inflammation (the root of many diseases). Not to mention the fact that your skin will thank you as well. All you need is a couple of ingredients and a blender, and you're all set!

Here is a list of the ingredients and some of their benefits:

Coconut Water: Hydrating and contains electrolytes, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium in their natural form.

Lemons: Cleansing, detoxifying, balances pH levels and acidity,  and is anti-aging.

Ginger: Aids in digestion, nausea, works as an anti-inflammatory, boosts immunity, fresh tasting.

Turmeric: Great for pain relief, works as an anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, loaded in antioxidants, and a great medicinal healer.

Cayenne Pepper (optional): I have a client who asks me to add a pinch of cayenne in her elixir to enhance digestion and also because she likes a bit of a kick in her drink, but it's optional.

Immunity-Boosting Turmeric Elixer

Author: Michele Wolfson


  • 4 cups of young coconut water

  • 4-inch piece of fresh turmeric, peeled

  • 2-inch piece ginger, peeled

  • Juice from 1 lemon

  • Cayenne Pepper, dash (optional)


  1. Blend the coconut water, turmeric, ginger, lemon juice, and cayenne.

  2. It can be stored in the fridge for up to three days.


If you can't find fresh turmeric and need to use the powdered turmeric, use about 1 tablespoon.